Saturday 3 August
Admission priority will be given to ticket holders at peak performance times.
Free live entertainment
Young Spirits Musos, featuring:
11.30am-2.30pm - Shanleigh Rose
Drinks and food available:
Mr Whippy
Coffee van
Montville Gourmet Bistro Pizza
Festival Bar
Terms and conditions:
- People with accessibility needs: up to 100 metres to car-parking; accessible toilets are adjacent to the venue; no hearing loop at this event.
- The venue has some flat areas on the perimeter leading to a grassy gentle slope. Wheelchair accessibility may be limited on the grassy slope.
- Live music will be amplified.
- No BYO alcohol - patrons may not bring alcohol from outside sources onto the Village Green.
- Alcohol sales and consumption restricted to the venue for patrons 18 years and over.